Uživajte Android Apps brezplačno! Android App (Game) - Loquendo tts Is always available to download on absolutely for Free ! To install Loquendo tts on your device you should do some easy things on your phone or any other android … Read without getting tired with this App, write what you want or paste it and the App will read it for you, besides you can regulate the speed of the reading voice. Loquendo tts apk - Prenos APK aplikacije in igre za naprave Android. ★★★★☆ - Libraries & Demo Naložite Loquendo tts APK Android Developer brezplačno (Android). Loquendo TTS Paola - Android Application - Loquendo S.p.A.

Loquendo TTS voices on the Android Market have been created to enrich your Android phone with Loquendo's expressive and fluent synthetic speech to power your navigation apps, SMS/email readers, screen readers, task managers with vocal alerts and any talking application on your Android phone. Now any speech-enabled app can talk in Loquendo TTS! Natural & expressive, with SMS, emoticon, address & navigation decoders.

American English Text-To-Speech female voice.